I heard a ghost

Life, laughter and music that makes a difference


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Music is: Merry-go-rounds | Featuring Carousels and Limousines, Alistair Griffin, The Starkins, The Lake Poets

merry-go-round-music-blogIn the middle of one long sheepless and therefore sleepless night since my fence-leaping flock hoofed it up to Yorkshire to star in Mr Griffin’s video for The Road, I had an idea. Why don’t I do a series of themed reviews around my ‘Music is’ strapline?

Easy* I thought, so this is the first, (*tip: never have an ‘idea’ whilst sleep deprived). Sticking to my blog’s emphasis on great music from British unsigned or smaller, independent bands makes things somewhat harder, but here we go.

My merry-go-round theme features Carousels and Limousines, Albion Sky by Alistair Griffin, Roundabout by The Starkins and Dead Horses by The Lake Poets. Continue reading


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Alistair Griffin at George IV Chiswick, London for foodbank tour gig

A gig first for me, I turned up with tins that weren’t beer.

Exactly like a Chiswickian Diagon Alley, the venue was cunningly hidden out the back of the George IV pub, disguised as a Tesco Express complete with supermarket trolley. I hope Alistair got his pound back OK. Continue reading

Alistair Griffin - Always No. 1 - new song


Reviewing Alistair Griffin’s new single Always No. 1 whilst a load of woolly jumpers is drying

Today sees the release of Always No. 1, the third single from Alistair Griffin’s Albion Sky album. But don’t doze off album owners because it’s a new mix of the song you’ll want to hear. Continue reading

Alistair Griffin - Albion Sky

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We review Alistair Griffin’s new album Albion Sky aka “Who dumped a helter skelter in the garden?”

Scrap your DeLoreans, the new Alistair Griffin album Albion Sky has been released in our lifetime* on Dramatico Entertainment!

This is a monumental occurrence which would only be surpassed if Roseberry Topping were to suddenly sprout a Vesuvius-like lava flow, as it’s Continue reading