I heard a ghost

Life, laughter and music that makes a difference

About I Heard A Ghost

My friend Brian asks me what I Heard A Ghost is about.

“It’s about music, in the building sandcastles sense,” I tell him, “and there are DRDs.”

Sense?” he says, pointedly.

I frown at him, in a mock-scowl sort of way.

“Half of it’s not really about music at all, is it?” he adds perceptively, whilst at the same time missing the point entirely.

I write indirectly about how music makes me feel, how it inspires me and interests me. How it energizes me.

It can make me smile, or remind me of triumphs or more often failures, unfulfilled dreams and loves lost and missed. It gets me through when I run out of biscuits with little cows on them.

Sometimes it just makes me dance about a bit.

I suspect Brian is never going to get it.

“I write about new bands I’ve discovered whose music makes a difference to me, why it does and how it inspires me,” I reply.

“I see,” said Brian, not seeing. “But what’s the helter skelter all about?”


I Heard A Ghost
Life, laughter and music that makes a difference